Under initiative – All import declarations filed at Karachi’s appraisal collectorates after midnight on December 15 will be forwarded to the Central Appraisal Unit (CAU). The Federal board of Revenue (FBR) launched the Faceless Customs Assessment system in Karachi. It is a key component of FBR’s transformation plan, approved by Prime Minister Imran Khan. Under this initiative, all import declarations filed at appraisal collectorates after midnight on December 15 will be forwarded to CAU established at the South Asia Pakistan Terminal (SAPT) in Karachi under CGO No. 6 of FBR for fiscal year-2024. The implementation is expected to bring a positive change in overall performance and culture, greatly benefit business community by reducing clearance time along with enhancing transparency & efficiency.
ISLAMABAD: The CAU has been established at the South Asia Pakistan Terminal (SAPT) under FBR’s CGO No 6 of fiscal year-2024, and all arrangements for it have been finalized with deployment of 55 officers. A performance-based incentive system was introduced to enhance productivity & accountability.
The reforms were also implemented regarding standards & licensing systems for customs clearing agents where a point scoring is applied, rewarding honest and accurate declarations will earn higher points improving their profiles while poor performance may lead towards loss of points or even license cancellation.