Hyderabad police have caught a suspect, recovered abducted child from his possession
Sho Inspector Noor Mustafa Pathan arrested suspicious person identified as Ali Nawaz.
Information obtained about the misleading statements of accused. Further investigation started for knowing true history behind this case. In Karachi District Kemari Police Station, a registered FIR has been filed in view of above-mentioned facts and findings. A further detailed enquiry is under way on it as an important development to unfold truth about the crime committed against innocent child Adil who was abducted from Machhar Colony area in Karachi with his mother’s help at night time by unknown persons or criminals for whom he has no identity proofs and information of parents.
Adil, age 6, whose identification details are not available as per the FIR registered on 04th Dec., today was recovered from Abdullah Khan in Hyderabad city.